Waayyyy out of the loop (aka dot point catch-up)

Alternatively, you can make dots with ketchup. I'm open, do whatever you like.

So anyway:
  • Uncle died. Great tragedy, terrible loss for family, etc.
  • Went to Thailand. Missed uncle's wake, probably not a bad thing.
  • New house still standing, despite torrential rains and generally apocolyptic weather conditions.
  • Can't get life insurane. Apparently I am uninsurable.
  • Saw Muse last night. Awesome.
  • Work Xmas party this Friday. Also awesome.
  • Fat in spite of twice-weekly personal trainng sessions.
  • Drinking too much.
  • Full of stupid.

Now that I've cleared the backlog, I might be able to get back to posting something meaningful on a semi-regular basis.

nobody said it was interesting

... and I didn't make you read it.

I am so far from interesting right now. So. Very. Far.

All sorts of things are happening - some new, some business as usual.

The Monkey and me bought another house. We're gonna keep the old one as a rental.

This is the new one:

This time it's on a full block with 4 bedrooms, two bathrooms, etc, etc.

Mum's happy. She's of the opinion that breeding is imminent.

I am not.

Don't get me wrong - anything is possible - the monkey and me just haven't made that decision yet.

On the flip side, my uncle has been diagnosed with cancer.

Diagnosed seems the wrong word, as if he has any control.

In the 12 weeks since doctors identified several large tumours in his brain he's undergone chemo and radio therapy; but the tumours have still grown 50%.

He's at the point now where I think nobody's talking about the fact that he's got weeks to live. His youngest son is 16 - it's terrible.

Speaking of the youngest, he's just come out. More power to him.

It's all happening here...

I have been having the worst time sleeping the past few days. It's beginning to wear me down.

I'm increasingly aware that I am single-dimensionally pathetic.

hi internet, it's been a long time

I have a chest infection. This is not a welcome development because it is greatly reducing my quality of life; and, if pressed, I'm forced to concede that my quality of life is not all that high to begin with.

You know the drill.

Sleep. Work. TV. Repeat.

It's a common theme here. Did I used to be interesting? I don't remember what that felt like.

So I'm propped up in bed with All The Used Tissues and a creeping complacence regarding the work I need to be dong.

I'm in charge of a new project. A new project with a hefty bonus attached to it and the opportunity to splash egg all over less competent people's faces. Money AND comeuppance – it doesn't get much better than that.

cue the inevitable jokes about deep throating

Today I had a transoesophageal echocardiogram. Try saying that three times really fast.

It's a delightful little procedure where they spray the back of your throat with a foul tasting anaesthetic that tastes almost exactly like absinthe mixed with banana milkshake syrup. It burns, oh how it burns.

Then they pump a bit of sedative into you and push an ultrasound transmitter down your throat so that they can look at your heart without the inconvenience of trying to navigate around your gargantuan bosom.

They also took the opportunity for a 'bubble test', which is where they push saline through your cannula to watch the bubbles move through your heart.

It's not as terrifying or uncomfortable as it sounds, but I have a bit of a sore throat; and I had to watch Judge Judy to stave off the boredom of an afternoon in a ward with no tea.


So I'm off to visit the lovely Miss M over Easter, followed by a flying trip to see the monkey-husband's brother in Maroochydore.

Yes. That is a place. Sadly, despite it's awesomely ocker name, it is a place without a Big Thing.


It is only 17km from the Big Pineapple.

Oh yes, I will definitely be going to the Big Pineapple.

modern problems aren't that bad

Oh dear; my interwebs have been shaped.

What's interesting about having your internet shaped (because there needs to be some silver lining; no matter how tarnished) is that it points out exactly how impotent your spanky new laptop is.

It has lots of bells and whistles but, without online connectivity, there really isn't much to be done with it.


ask yourself how much you really want to be here*

* I have been asked this question at least twice by management so far this year.

Why? Because I need to learn when to keep my big, fat mouth s.h.u.t.

There are mysteries afoot in the office. Sly intrigues not destined to be fathomed; and apparently I should just keep my head down and stay quiet 'til bonus time.

Something tells me this is improbable, if not implausible.

Meanwhile, it's almost three months since this post and the outcomes in the intervening time have been blandly predictable. Things did indeed g0 Wrong (with a capital 'w'). The fallout is just beginning to hit but – predictably – no one seems to be responsible or accountable.

It's suspiciously like the workplace is divided into two discreet camps; people-who-might-fuck-up, and people-who-shit-rainbows-and-puppy-dogs.

Guess which one I'm in.

this just in

I am still on the wagon, people. Where is my sponsorship money?

I never said it wouldn't be an 'experience'

FebFast is going well, so far. This is the big test, though - a weekend without wine!

Part of me is a little sad; and the other part is ashamed.

I've had One Of Those Weeks, and I truly believe I've earned a nice glass of wine; but that's just faulty thinking, isn't it?

The lesson here is: 'Thou shalt not use alcohol as a reward system.'

Add that to yesterday's lesson; 'Thou shalt not use alcohol as a social crutch' and the general rule that 'alcohol is not a form of medication' - and what have you got?

The total revocation of any semblance of propriety from the past five years of my life.

it begins

Tomorrow is the first day of FebFast. I'm feeling virtuously ahead of the curve because I have not sipped a drip of tipple since about 3am Saturday morning.

That's about 43 hours.

... and only 674 to go; assuming I deliberately stay up past midnight on a Sunday just to get a class of wine in.*

* I am tragic, but not that tragic. I will not be doing that.

It will be interesting to be forced to come to terms with the precise nature of "support" I think I get from alcohol.

Those of you who know me will know that this is going to be a Big Fat Lesson. Please make it a profitable one by donating generously. FebFast raises funds for youth drug and alcohol outreach programs.

You can sponsor me by clicking the big, shiny widget on the right.

I'm serious. No, really. No drinking for a month.

Hi Y'all,

I have decided this year to throw probability to the wind and battle through a month-long dry spell; and I want YOU to consider joining me in this difficult adventure.

I am giving up alcohol this February to score as much cash as I can for FebFast, raising funds to help hundreds of young people with serious alcohol and drug problems get a second chance at a healthy life.

If you don't feel up to the challenge you can always chip in by sponsoring my team, Temperance Skillz Development; and by guilting everyone you know into throwing a little sugar our way.

To join me, or sponsor the team, click the widgety-thingy on the right.

I look forward to your ridicule and contemptuous guffawing.

xx Cass.