playing catch-up

I've been extremely lax with the blogging. Lax +10, in fact. This is partially because I am a terrible procrastinator when it comes to writing, but mostly because I always think of the good stuff to write when I'm nowhere near a keyboard.

I should use the pen and notebook which I've squirreled away in my enormous handbag to write all these pearls of wisdom (read: over thought rubbish) down for later; but that would assume I've any facility to overcome my crippling procrastination.

The perpetuation of vicious circles is one of my special talents.

I see it's been almost 2 weeks since my last post. It stands to reason that something interesting must have happened in that time; but I'm buggered if I can think what it was.

The Monkey-husband built a media centre, that was pretty cool; and I got a 'promotion', which is probably less cool because it involves more work for a pay rise which really only cancels out CPI.

Cass = sucker; as usual.

Things have been a bit flat for me lately. Not while they're actually happening, just in hindsight. Does that make sense?

For example: the weekend was quite good at the time, but come Monday lunchtime when a coworker inevitably asked me how it was I was all "OK... I think..."

Apparently I have a three second emotional memory.

Hooray for me.

It's really just the thing to compliment my negative attention span, tinnitus and abysmal eyesight.

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