
It is not given to all of us to be gay, but a reasonable facsimile can be achieved by throwing overboard all the dull, dreary cargo that often weighs down your heart. Out with that doubt, overboard with that fear! You are brooding because so-and-so doesn't like you.

Why worry? The person has yet to be born that everybody likes. Do you bitterly regret the past? Every day you grow a day away from it.

Are you jealous, resentful, angry? Away with jealousy, resentment, anger and anything else that makes a light heart heavy.

Gaiety can simply come from remembering that it's more fun to be gay!

~ Woman's World
M. A. White and Staff, Melbourne, c. 1952.

Mental note to self: Must remember to be more gay.

playing catch-up

I've been extremely lax with the blogging. Lax +10, in fact. This is partially because I am a terrible procrastinator when it comes to writing, but mostly because I always think of the good stuff to write when I'm nowhere near a keyboard.

I should use the pen and notebook which I've squirreled away in my enormous handbag to write all these pearls of wisdom (read: over thought rubbish) down for later; but that would assume I've any facility to overcome my crippling procrastination.

The perpetuation of vicious circles is one of my special talents.

I see it's been almost 2 weeks since my last post. It stands to reason that something interesting must have happened in that time; but I'm buggered if I can think what it was.

The Monkey-husband built a media centre, that was pretty cool; and I got a 'promotion', which is probably less cool because it involves more work for a pay rise which really only cancels out CPI.

Cass = sucker; as usual.

Things have been a bit flat for me lately. Not while they're actually happening, just in hindsight. Does that make sense?

For example: the weekend was quite good at the time, but come Monday lunchtime when a coworker inevitably asked me how it was I was all "OK... I think..."

Apparently I have a three second emotional memory.

Hooray for me.

It's really just the thing to compliment my negative attention span, tinnitus and abysmal eyesight.

Bogan, bogan, bogan. Oi, oi, oi!

I spent the long weekend (happy birthday EII, even though it was in April) at Seacombe with one of the Monkey-husband's employees and his immediate family.

Those readers not familiar with the Gippsland Lakes may be wondering whether it's a worthy tourism locale. I can give you no greater advice than that found on the official Gippsland Tourism website which suggests that whilst there you might like to "visit the largest concentration of open cut mining and power generation activity in Australia."

Would I! Where can I sign up?

But I digress.

I did not, as it turned out, see any open cut mining or power generation activity. But because the monkey and his coworkers mix the bogan with a healthy dose of geek, I did witness the spectacle of a bunch of blokes destroying old computers with 4 kinds of firearm and ride dirt bikes around a disused paddock. Observe:

Film credits belong to Rob-the-coworker. It's not enough to do these things. You're not a true geek unless you film them and cut together your own shorts; thanks Rob.

And thanks for letting me ride your GF's postie-bike.

Because no one else cares

I learned two nerdy things this week. They don't exactly deserve major geek credit, but they made me happy and proud and I felt supremely useful.

Unfortunately it's not possible to make anyone I know enthuse about these sorts of things; so I'm turning to you, dear intraweb.

Item one: I can now code html emails that appear correctly regardless of the size of the recipient's preview pane.

Item two: I totally hacked into the css style guide that informs our company website and fixed that sucker up.
